Why a Real Christmas Tree is Better

Like it or not, the festive season is here and what Christmas would be complete without the tree?

DSC_0108But will it be a plastic tree or a real tree that will stand proud in your home this year? We were once led to believe that having a fake tree was somehow more environmentally friendly for the fact that the fake tree is bought and collected once and may be used year after year, rather than every year cutting a fresh tree that stands in the house for a couple of weeks before being discarded, “what a waste”.  Read More →

Sick Sycamore

Removing a sick Sycamore tree nestled in amongst the 18th and 19th century graves at Kirk Michael Church, Isle of Man.

For more details on our tree surgery, tree report and arboricultural consultancy services please click here.

Sunny Spruce Removal

This 100+ft Spruce tree was on the Apemann site at South Barrule Plantation.

It was at risk of falling onto the zip-wire, as did its neighbour, and was marked for removal in a recent survey. It was a straightforward and fun job.

Lapsed Beech Hedge Removal

Lapsed Beech hedge removal, Douglas

This old Beech hedge had been left to go and, unfortunately, was well past saving. Its loss will be mitigated with the replanting of new suitable trees (pics to follow).

If you would like a quote for tree work, or some advice regarding the management of your trees then please contact us.